Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How was the castle built?

   Building a medieval castle was complicating considering that they didn't have all the construction tools we have to day. Originally the castle was made of wood until the architechs decided that stone was more powerful than wood is. When they planed the castle blueprints, the architechs had to consider all the surroundings and think carefully on how to build the castle. Some castles were tall others were long. There were many types of castles during the medieval times. But a lot of the castles had an outer wall or a wall with stations to defend the inside of the castle. If I had a castle all to myself, I would want to have a tall castle so I could have a good view all around.
   To build a castle an army of workers, laborers, craftsmen, artisans, blacksmiths, and masons were needed to get the job done. Masons had to be hired and laborers had to be organized to get a castle to look good. Also time and money were big factors on building a castle. Just a single castle could take 10 to 20 years and could cost millions of dollars in U.S. money today. Seems to me like these castles had to be really nice since they took so long to build and cost so much money.

How did people keep clean and healthy?

   If we the people look at the toilets in the medieval castles, we would think they were weird and disgusting. Their toilets were seats with holes that went down to a pit or a hole that all of the peoples' waste went. Sometimes if the castle were to get to dirty, the lord and lady would leave for a week or two and the whole castle would be swept, mopped, and scrubbed. Doctors believed that when people got sick that herbs or other plants could bring the patients back to full health. Just imagine if they had the same medical equipment we have to day. Hardly anybody would die of sickness.
   Hot baths were considered a luxury to people. Only the richest people could afford a hot bath or a soak. The tubs you would take your baths for the rich would be big and deep. Usually when ever families would take baths and they were not that wealthy they wouldn't even change the water in the tub. UMMMM NASTY!!!!!!

What food did people eat inside the castle?

   During the year they kept only a small amount of food inside the castle. Almost every day they made  bread daily. They also had to smoke or cook their meats so it could last through the winter. Vegetables    were dried and or pickled to keep fresh or to keep longer. Sounds to me like that they had a good variety   of food to eat. They also made many foods from what cows provided. They made cheese, milk, butter,     and plenty of meat. From all the foods they made from cows; they had to have lots of cows. To get fresh water, people had to get it out of wells.

   Some other foods people ate were fruits, there were alot of fruits to eat. When ever they               stored fruit  and meat, sometimes they would store them in the same barrels. I think according to
the food, i would enjoy the food inside the medieval castle.

What did people do in the Great Hall?

   Alot of celebrations were held in the Great Hall. Including banquets and celebrations for the lord and lady. The lord and his family ate at the high table, also his guests set at the high table with him. All kinds of food was served in the great hall. The foods were served in messes for several people. Honored guests and the lord and lady ate on silver or gold plates. They also held ceremonies to honor brave, or war heros. I think the Great Hall would be a good place to have parties if you ask me.
   Also when the celebration was over, take a guess at what they did with the left over food. If you guessed throw it away, then you are one of two things: one wrong, or two are most likely wasteful. They gave the left over food to the poor who waited outside the castle or outside the gates. I see it as practically as a charity but with left over food. Also